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Almost all of the world’s big cities are situated next to large water areas. Thinking of increasing population, decline of usable public space and more and more built infrastructure, an important question to be answered is what role can water areas play in our future dynamic cities? The answer is interactive intelligent landscape – Swarmscape – which will make use of the water without obstructing its valuable area permanently. Consisting out of modules, these landscapes are capable of providing both additional urban space and performing a new way of infrastructure for pedestrians to cross the water.

Group2 151218 pers1.jpg Top view on autonomous modules

Group2 151218 pers4.jpg Top view on autonomous modules

Perspective view on autonomous modules

Midterm presentation

Serban Bodea

3389 days ago
Score 0

Swarmscapes, These are some comments based on our last tutoring session:

Examine to what extent your proposal is interactive and reactive, combinations of these features could result in the behavior of the building. This behavior will allow it to adjust for achieving its tasks. Elaborate working scenarios that result in building configurations that showcase possible behaviors.

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